maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014


I would like to open my heart and tell you our story. My hope is that it would in some small part help bring Western medicine back into its original role, which was for the purposes of national health care, and what would be even better, that Western medicine would once again be seen  side by side with naturapathic medicine and healing, supporting one another. The most important factor in all of this are us, human beings. We make anything possible, but also the keys to change are in our hands.

I don´t have any need to badmouth or judge any organization. It would be a lot easier for me to just say that my husband got cancer and then he died.

However, my husband´s wish was that people must hear his story, and since he is no longer here to tell, it is now up to me to share it.

In writing this, I will focus on different types of cancers, for which medical science has not invented a treatment that cures.


First I want to highlight that medical science has invented a tremendous amount of drugs that help heal. But unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry has become controlled by greed, which has in many ways blinded its real purpose, with the result that the industry has made a huge business out of wellness and illness. People have recognized this distortion as time has gone by, and now we are getting to a point where the trust of the public is eroding and people are also beginning to turn their backs on all the progress, hard work and good intentions with which the industry may originally have begun.

Increasingly, the question comes up that here and now, with respect to this particular illness and this particular drug, is the intention to heal or is the intention to make money?  These questions rise up when we think, for instance, about the increased use of drugs for high cholesterol or whether there is an actual need to vaccinate against the flu.

The pharmaceutical industry has turned against itself in its greed.  How much are we people actually encouraged to take responsibility for our own health, when we go to a doctor´s appointment, so that we would get nutritional advice, or advice for our general ongoing lifestyle?  How much do they actually try to figure out the reason for the symptoms we present?  How much effort is put into trying to cure only the symptoms?  Even cancer is a symptom, not a cause.  For some reason the body does not function the way it should.


Once upon a time there was a happy young married couple, whose family included two children. They believed that the only purpose for modern medicine was to improve peoples’ health; that it had a burning desire with a big heart to research and discover every possible way to cure difficult diseases.  They believed that modern medicine would rejoice upon finding that someone had been cured despite an earlier death sentence, and that all effort would be put into figuring out what had brought about that particular miracle.  Our cancer story began with this trusting and naive attitude towards our health care system.


My husband was basically a healthy man; at the age of 36, he did not smoke and used alcohol only in moderation.

In 2011, around Christmas time, my husband started to have stomach symptoms. The symptoms were like heartburn, acid dyspepsia-type of problems, and he described that his stomach would get full even from small portions of food.  He thought that he had a hernia in his upper abdomen. With non-prescription drugs the symptoms eased, and he did not hurry to see a doctor.

In April 2012 he suffered from a hard kidney and pelvic inflamation, and at that time I was on my knees for the first time. You cannot take my love, I shouted and prayed as I looked up to heaven. We got through that, but the question remained, what caused the inflammation?

In May he had a stomach-endoscopy, and also a biopsy-specimen was taken. My husband was told his diagnosis, and that he had  a malignant stomach-cancer, and he met with an oncologist for the first time.

The day after my husband got his diagnosis, I went and bought Selenium, because our friend’s cancer cells had vanished by using Selenium. (She had had a severe breast cancer-diagnosis, and she had started to take Selenium right away.  After three weeks she had an operation, and there were no cancer cells to be found. The growth now proved to be only ligament. The same thing had happed to their friend, who had a severe thyroid-cancer diagnosis).


We had not been given any prognosis about my husband’s situation when the chemotherapy started two weeks after the diagnosis, and we believed that the treatment would cure him. Chemotherapy was given by intravenous drip every three weeks, plus 3000mg/ day of chemotherapy-tablets for two weeks, and one treatment-free week before the next drip.

1. Chemotherapy-period.  I was shocked when my husband got very sick from the first  intravenous drip-treatment. He was vomiting, he couldn´t eat, he was cold and had painful aches in his arms, problems with urinating and strong nausea.
I thought that my love was going to die from these treatments.  I asked him, ”Have you not been instructed how to protect the healthy cells, so that the cell-toxins won´t destroy them?”   ”No, they haven´t said anything, exept that eat whatever you feel like.”  He was given foot-cream to put on his feet, when his skin started to get wounds from the medication.
With the chemotherapy came a huge amount of other medications, stomach-protecting medicine, painkillers, nausea-medicine, medicine for urinary infections, medicine for diarrhea. Medicine, medicine, medicine, but my husband´s condition only got worse. That amount of medications for a man who had hardly ever needed any medicine.
I was so confused -- what was happening here in the Finnish health care system?

2. During the chemotherary treatment my husband´s hair started to come out, and he got worse than ever. Vomiting, he couldn´t eat, constantly getting cold, having cramps, aches in his hands and feet, urinary problems and strong nausea that lasted for a week.


We did not understand enough to demand a precise diagnosis from the doctors, and we thought that knowing about a malignant cancer was enough.  We found out the exact diagnosis one and a half months after the biopsy was taken, and when the statement for the bank came in the mail.  My husband had not seen the the doctor after his first visit to him.

We found some information from the Internet, about  diffuse-type cancer and its 
prognosis, and it was a hard thing to read.  Medical science has not been able to come up with a cure, if surgery is not possible.  Chemotherapy can only buy the patient some time, but what is the quality of that time?

So we started to research information about naturopathic patient care. We got some personal assistence from an expert in functional medical science, Elonvalo ky, regarding diets, safe and correct  nutritional supplementary products, as well as about one´s emotional mindset and wellbeing in the healing process.

A program for the ”eviction” of the cancer started.  My husband started to take oil-based Vitamin -D 300 microg/day, Selenium was increased to 200microg/day, Magnesium sitrat 400microg/day  probiotic milklactic-acid, Artic Nutrition spirulinas, Omega, Noni-juice and berry elixir.

We changed our diet so that it wouldn´t give the cancer the power to survive. We were advised  also that sugar is the most important growth material for cancer, so we got rid of the fast-sorbin sugars, Finnish white wheat, milk (only unflavoured sour dairy products), all convenience food , all food that is contrary to nature, red meat to minimum, so that the diet is as natural as it can be. We added a lot of cold-pressed oil, butter, berries, fruit and  vegetables.

The medical system gave no guidance in this kind of an essential way of nourishing the body -- and I can only ask, why?

When my husband started to follow the new nourishment guidelines, his hair stopped falling  out. His tolerance was better with the third and fourth chemotherapy treatments, and we were able to enjoy many good days and trips over the summer.  My husband´s condition started getting better and his weight increased by 10 kg, almost to his regular weight. His stomach symptoms were all gone. He did not suffer from skin or mucous damage, which usually inevitably follows chemotherapy treatments. We started to be hopeful again, thinking that the cancer had been conquered.

When the fifth and sixth chemotherapy treatment periods started, my husband experienced fierce cramps in his pancreas and liver area.  I tried to alert my husband, thinking that the symptoms were caused by the chemotherapy treatments, because on each treatment-free week he did not suffer from these symptoms. But he had been intimidated by the system, believing that he could not proceed without the chemotherapy.  The symptoms eased in a couple of days.  My husband was still mildly nauseous, and had those symptoms during the chemotherapy treatments, but they were nothing compared to what he had suffered in the beginning, before embarking on his new diet, and he was able to eat well.

In August 28th 2012 my husband met the oncologist for the second time during his illness. The doctor hit him with the following statement:  this cancer is not curable, it cannot disappear without surgery, and it is very childish  to think that it would.  According to this doctor. the cancer cells could not disappear without  surgery.
My husband was in a very good condition and we were very puzzled.  How could it be explained that the stomach symptoms had disappeared, with which everything had started?  Could they not do an endoscopy again to see if anything could still be detected?

The doctor continued: It is no use to examine it again, since cancer has once already been discovered.  Now the chemotherapy had to be continued as far as the body could take it. In any case, it was impossible to proceed without chemotherapy, unless you waned to die faster.  On the same breath, the doctor started to explain how chemotherapy destroys the organs, the veins and one´s heart, etc. In the end there is only painkillers and he suggested that we should prepare ourselves for palliative care.

We told the doctor about how we had been enormously helped by our new diet and supplementary nutrients. The doctor´s reaction to this was very strong: he said that we should not use them under any circumstances, and asked who had advised us to do so.  Also, he added that if we did use something, it should only be bought from the pharmacy. But in any case, supplementary nutrients were not recommended. It did not matter how my husband felt on the diet.

My husband was beaten after that appointment.  He appeared as if he had been hit by a log and then sent home.  All his hard work had been wiped away in the blink of an eye.


At the beginning of September we went to get a second opinion, from the private cancer clinic Docrates, and they were incredulous about our previous doctor´s appointment and about what we had been told.  They believed that a special diet and extra nutrients were a good thing. The cancer doctor at the Docrates Clinic did not see it as sensible to continue with the chemotherapy, because of the growing permanent damage within the body, and since, after all, my husband´s condition was the best indicator of his health, and he was feeling fine. We had with us the same documents we had on August 28th 2012.

After that visit we went to another doctor in our hospital and he agreed on a new endoscopy.  There were no growths in the stomach, and the test results were clean. The cancer was gone from the stomach, the disappearance for which the medical profession had no answers. It was not supposed to be possible for it to disappear without surgery.


My husband subjected himself to no further chemotherapy drip treatments, despite the strong pressure directed at him by the medical professionals.  However, he decided to continue with chemotherapy-tablets  (3000mg/day).  He believed that they would not do too much damage and that  he could stop taking them at some point in the future.

Before he started to take the tablets again in September he had a period without treatments and he was feeling great, as if in the best condition of his life. We were at our summer cottage, he went duck-hunting, and walked all over amidst the river banks and reeds. He ate very well and there were no stomach symptoms whatsoever.  We had a fantastic week.
Next week he started eating the tablets (3000 mg/day), and again came the pancreas and gallbladder cramps. I tried to alert him to my suspicion that the cramps were caused by the cell-toxins, because last week there were no problems in that general region of his body. My husband did not want to believe this and continued taking the tablets. Little by little the cramps seemed to ease, and in any case he continued to take the extra nutrients on the side. But they cannot perform miracles, while the amount of cell toxins in the body increase to an overwhelming point. From there on, the problems started to really roll in.
After that he had a frightful pancreas infection. It blocked the bile duct. My husband started to lose weight and his body started to weaken. He could not eat because of the blockage.  The doctors decided without any examination and without taking further biopsy specimens that the cause of the blockage was the cancer, and they did not even consider surgery. This was even though the cancer had vanished from the stomach.  Because there was no extra nutrition given to him in the hospital, my husband’s condition got worse.

Then came a painful procedure, when a stent was put in the bile duct. In the procedure some bacteria from the bowel got into to the bloodstream, and a strong antibiotic iv-drip was started. My husband’s general condition got worse.  But we made it through that, too.
By googling, we found information about infections of the pancreas, discovering that it is more common amongst alcoholics. But in any case, a great amount of cell poisons caused by chemotherapy is comparable to such as one would have when abusing alcohol for years. Infections of the pancreas can cause bile duct blockages. This was possible, the doctor also admitted, but this matter was only mentioned on the side.

Every time my husband went to talk about his health issues, it was always stated that the cause was the cancer.  The destruction caused by chemotherapy in the body was not taken  into consideration.  For example, when his back got bad from lying in the hospital, the health care-center doctor said that  possibly the cancer had spread to the back joints. The pain was gone with the help of an osteopath and a chiropractor. Or when there some swellings in the lyphnodes of the groin appeared, just by feeling quickly they said at the ER that the cancer had spread to these areas.  Finally, after some weeks, they did a proper ultrasound and stated that there was no growth in the groin area.


In the beginning of December it was discovered that the bile duct had another blockage. We had wondered earlier why they did not operate in the first place, because it could get blocked again?  Oh yes, they decided not to examine it (take a biopsy) because of the cancer, which could not be operated on.  The presence of cancer cannot be measured in any other way, except for by taking a biopsy to the labroratory.

Then came a new painful treatment on the 7th of December 2012, and they applied a new stent into the bile duct. The next day my husband was in a pain hell, as his stomach pains were unspeakably terrible.
I rushed to the nurse and said something was terribly wrong, the swelling and the pain in his stomach were something he never had before.  The treatment had now gone wrong. We were told that it was the cancer that was causing the pains and swelling.

I tried to say strongly, there has never been any pain in his stomach before. They looked at me with pity in their eyes,clearly thinking that we were just denying the truth. The pain continued to be horrible.  At last, on Saturday, the 8th of December, the doctor on-call came to look at the situation and asked, what was done on the treatment yesterday, as there was no documentation of the procedure. We tried to explain what was done. The doctor on-call suspected right away that there was a leak in the bile ducts, which was dripping the gallbladder bile into the stomach (everyone who has felt bile in their throat can imagine what kind of destruction it can cause on the stomach’s tender mucous lining).

In the x-rays showed that there was no drainage spot to be seen, so the matter was left at that. It showed in the x-rays that the abdomen had thickened, had cyst-like formations, and it was decided again that it was the cancer. Did they not think about what a thickened abdominal wall and its gallbladder bile-burned surface might look like?  No, because they had made up their minds that it was the cancer.

On Monday December 10th my husband suffered severe pains, and finally in the afternoon they decided to try draining, to see if they could empty the bile. In a few seconds there spurted out 2 litres of fluid, and finally 7 litres was taken away altogether. The fluid was greenish -yellow, in other words it had gallbladder bile in it, and it had burned inside him for two days. The CRP  was 320 ( norm.10) and they started a strong antibiotics regimen.  His breathing became laborious and again they thought it was the cancer. After two days of gasping for breath, they found out it was a blood clot in the lungs, which they started to take measures to dissolve.


My husband’s health started to get better and his CRP went down, and also the pains were easing.   On Saturday the 15th of December the inflammation rate was only 115.

Then they discovered that the antibiotics had caused a bacterial infection in the intestine (clostridium difficile) and the drugs had to be changed. Lactic acid- medication  was not included in the hospital regimen, which, being dumb, I thought would be an obvious part of the treatment. The new antibiotics did not take the inflammation away and the inflammation rate started rising again.

On Monday the 17th of December my husband said to me that he was sure that he would not be in the hospital in this condition, if he had only understood to quit the chemotherapy.  My husband thought it was important for people to know about their choices,when the medical profession does not have a cure to offer them -- when the doctors see they do not have the answeres for a cure or even for improving the quality of life of a patient.

He was, in spite of everything, still in the strong belief that he would survive. We were rejoicing in the afternoon, when we heard that a home care nurse had been arranged for us and my husband would get to come home for Christmas.  I phoned him in the evening and he reassured me he was not going anywhere and that he was going to make it.

Tuesday morning, the 18th of December they discovered blood poisoning in his system, caused by the antibiotics, as the blood was full of yeast and fungus.  After that the kidneys were starting to fail and the end was near.  The conversations we had the day before remained the last clear conversation we had.

My husband passed away on December 18th approximately at 9:30 pm. Fortunately, his passing on was beautiful and calm, aided by morphine and sedatives.

My husband was an unbelievable soldier, and he was a fighter until the end.  Regardless of the situation, he remained confident of a positive outcome. He was never tired of letting us know how much he loved us, and  encouraged us to believe that we were going to get through this. So we never got to talk about death.  All of us close to him, honore  his will to battle the cancer, and we did not want to go against his wishes by giving up, so we all fought by him until the end and believed in a miracle. My husband got to live fully until the end, believing in life and love.

Now there is left our love and love never dies <3.


I witnessed the cancer unit nursing staff and doctors do everything they could within their knowledge and ”the tools” they had. They really put their skills and  hearts out, in trying to save my husband, and I do not wish to judge them for anything they did.  Of course I am grateful  to them in trying to save my husband.

But what if, someday, the modern medical system had new ways of thinking, and new treatments which would be more efficient in curing cancer, treatments that would not destroy a patient’s health?  No doubt the health care system would greet these new methods with open arms. And how much money would the health care system save all over the world, if extremely expensive treatments were no longer needed, taking up so much of the available resources.

If the cancer treatments in question could be changed to a cure, instead of the destruction of the body’s healthy cells, it would save millions of patients from pain as well as a tremendous amount of money belonging to health care systems around the world, which are all suffering from a lack of funds and resources.  The cancer unit, the ER and the oncologists in the hospital near us are drowning in work,  and it is difficult to provide correct, humane care within a system lacking adequate resources. It is also hard to get new doctors into the system, because they know that the industry is in a state of chaos. So, a change would be welcomed by them also.


Cancer-patient or chemotherapy-patient?
We are used to hearing about people getting cancer and then dying. What all happens in between are their own individual stories. Did the patient really die because of cancer, or because of the heavy-handed   treatment?  When we talk about a cancer patient, mostly we have a picture in our mind of a bald- headed, skinny and pale person. But is the bald-headed picture that of a cancer patient or is it one of a chemotherapy patient? 

We have been given an understanding suggesting that when we get a diagnosis of a serious illness, the treatment should also be heavy-handed and destructive.

Many people have come to tell me stories about their loved ones who died often within 1-3 months after they were first diagnosed with cancer and after the treatments started. The people in question have been in good condition otherwise, and the cancer had not spread to other parts of their bodies. It is, in fact, very rare that cancer would have spread to any serious degree at the time the diagnosis is given, so that it would actually be fatal within 1-3 months.
Cancer cell theory

This document: Why cancer must not be cured, opened my eyes:

In this document an Italian cancer doctor has discovered  that cancer is a fungus and he has cured people with very simple methods, like with Sodanium, affecting the patient’s body balance (fungus and inflammations survive in low ph).  After that he lost his licence.  So it seems that it does not matter if the patient is cured, only if it is medically proven, and if they even want to prove the cure.
Some research has been made of the efficiency of vitamins etc. with respect to cancer treatments. But in these studies the amount of vitamins used have been very small and have not been enough to prove their effectiveness.  It is also important that the product is as natural as it can be.

At any rate, the modern theories about cancer cells are insufficient, because they cannot explain sensibly, how uncurable cancers could disappear in time spans as short as three weeks. These cases are talked about like they were miracles or wrong diagnoses. Why are these cases not examined with great enthusiasm and heart by the medical profession?

Treatments that cure are already found amongst natural methods and they do not destroy the body’s cells, like chemotherapy.

The suggestion that cancer would be caused by a fungal/yeast parasite or such, would explain clearly how it could have disappeared in three weeks with the use of natural medicines.

Why are scientists in Finland and other parts the world not hurrying and developing the use of Selenium in cancer treatments, as is happening in Sweden? Docent Mikael Björnstedt is doing research on the effect of Selenium on cancer cells, and he has discoverd that cancer cells can disappear in timeframes as short as 48 hours. Selenium has the best effect on the types of  cancer where cell-toxins are powerless.

Love and strength to everyone struggling against cancer, with a hope that the methods of curing cancer are developed in a more humane direction in the future. We are the most important people in carrying on the word of a change which is possible, if we just believe in it.

Kreeta Karhu


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